A guy trying to figure life out » Podcast

#14 - Co-Founder of Women who explore, 186,000 social media followers, mother, adventurer: Lindsay MacNevin

Episode Summary

You hear people talk about living your passion, Lindsay is someone who's doing it.  From committing to becoming a writer, to growing a social following to 186K, to turning a social media account into a community and a business where she gets to do what she loves.  Lindsay is modest and awesome and I know I learned a lot, I hope you do too.

Episode Notes

You hear people talk about living your passion, Lindsay is someone who's doing it.  From committing to becoming a writer, to growing a social following to 186K, to turning a social media account into a community and a business where she gets to do what she loves.  Lindsay is modest and awesome and I know I learned a lot, I hope you do too.

Her Mission: Inspire every woman to get outdoors, to try something new, to push boundaries and to help check off your bucket list.  All in affordable ways.

What you’ll learn:

Connect with Lindsay here:


Instagram: @womenwhoexplore

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a guy trying to figure life out,


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